The Churchwarden is a pipe with many merits. Thanks to the long stretch that must travel, the smoke has the time necessary to dissipate heat by providing a really fresh smoke as no standard pipe can offer. It is also very convenient to smoke especially when doing a static activity, like reading a book or watching television. It is no coincidence that it is also called an armchair or reading pipe. Thanks to the long methacrylate mouthpiece it is not necessary to raise your hand to bring the pipe to your mouth. Characteristic that makes smoking particularly comfortable and relaxing. Here the Churchwarden601 has been finished in a smooth walnut finish. Model 601 is a Billiardcurva from the cooker and cylindrical barrel. A model of the most classic that is extremely elegant by fitting a long mouthpiece. The Churchwarden series is not designed for any type of filtering system being internally drilled 3mm.
In questi ultimi anni, molti giovani fumatori sono affascinati dai sigari e, in particolare, dai toscani. Alcuni di loro, alla ricerca di un consiglio per muovere i primi passi in questo mondo, si rivolgono al proprio tabaccaio, altri chiedono ad amici e conoscenti, ma in tanti interrogano Google. La prima versione di questo contributo è stata pubblicata nel 2016 e da allora viene regolarmente aggiornato alla luce delle nuove uscite e delle mutate condizioni del mercato, ma anche tenuto conto dei feedback dei nostri lettori.